High-Quality Painting Services & More
Residential interior and exterior painting and design services for YOU. We don’t settle for anything less than OUTSTANDING.
✓ Customer satisfaction
✓ registered painting company
✓ insured
✓ background checked
✓ woman-owned business
How it works?
Schedule a free estimate
Decide on a design or color
Pay half down
Project gets started on an agreed timeline
All done!
Call Now for a Free Estimate
What types of painting services
We offer a wide range of painting services for residential properties, including interior and exterior painting.
How long does a typical
The duration of a painting project depends on various factors such as the size of the area, the complexity of the design, and the
Do you provide free
Yes, we offer free estimates for our painting services. Contact us to schedule an
What sets your painting company
We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to create beautiful customized designs that exceed expectations.
What are your service areas?
We provide residential painting services in various locations. Please contact us for more information.
How can we assist you?
We are here to help! Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or
Who are we
Award winning artists ready to help with any painting projects or dreams
✓ Easy to use
✓ Beautifully designed patterns
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Average Rating: 4.5/5 | 100+ Reviews
Lee Ambro Painting did an outstanding job painting my living room. The attention to detail and precision in
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sarah Thompson
Highly Recommended
I had a great experience working with Lee Ambro Painting. They were professional, reliable, and the end
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
John Doe
Amazing Service
I hired Lee Ambro Painting to paint the interior of my house and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The team was professional, efficient, and the quality of their work exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jane Smith
Great Experience
I recently had Lee Ambro Painting paint the exterior of my home and they did an excellent job. The crew was punctual, courteous, and the final result was fantastic. I would definitely hire them again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mike Johnson